Postgraduate Program

ANSPAG offers engineers the opportunity of engaging in postgraduate training and research in the area of Telecommunications.

For application forms, please refer to

PhD Research

Researchers will be accepted for PhD research if they can demonstrate excellence in previous postgraduate study, and a keen interest in pursuing their research interests. For those who are accepted, ANSPAG has a list of current high quality projects which need to be researched, and can provide unrivalled access to support and laboratory equipment. If a researcher has a specific topic of interest to ANSPAG, we can support the research direction.

Upon successful completion of the thesis, researchers will be granted a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) by Monash University.

Contact for more details. Scholarships may be available.

Masters Program

The Masters Program is offered in three formats, designed to make the program as accessible as possible, to both full time and part-time students and also those who are full-time employed.
  • Masters by coursework and thesis
  • Masters by research
  • Individual units
The Masters Degree awarded at the successful conclusion of the Program is a full Monash University Master of Engineering Science in Telecommunications. Monash University is Australia's largest University and probably the Asia-Pacific's best known University.

Master of Engineering Science by Coursework and Minor Thesis

The Master of Engineering Science in Telecommunications by coursework and minor thesis consists of a major program of taught courses which are examined, together with the submission of a minor thesis. The minor thesis is normally based on an investigation type project, and represents approximately one quarter of the total course. The thesis should demonstrate the candidate's ability to construct their own thoughts in this area.

The course has been specifically designed to suit those who are already working, but who wish to continue their studies. The courses all run late afternoon so as to minimise any impact on working hours.

This course would normally require a minimum of two years part-time study, and students may not take longer than 4.5 years to complete the degree.

Typically nine subjects will be studied, in addition to the Minor Thesis. Students may choose from a wide range of Engineering subjects offered by Monash University, while completing at least five subjects from the Telecommunications stream.

Pre-requisites: A honours degree in Electrical Engineering or a related discipline.

Contact for more details. Scholarships may be available.

Master of Engineering Science by Research

This program is intended to provide the candidate with a basic training in the methodology of research, to empower them to conduct meaningful research into telecommunications. Postgraduate coursework units may also be prescribed to extend the candidate's formal knowledge beyond undergraduate level if the supervisor deems it necessary. The Master of Engineering Science in Telecommunications is awarded for a thesis which embodies the results of his/her findings.

Candidates can conduct their research either full-time or part-time. A full time research project will normally require around two years, while part-time research must be complete within four years. The work is carried out under the direction of a supervisor mutually agreed upon by the student and Monash University.

Scholarships are available for those with a 1st class honours degree from an Australian university or have publications in leading international journals or conferences (e.g IEEE).

Supervisors and their general field of interest.

Pre-requisites:Anyone with an honours degree in Electrical Engineering or a related discipline. Contact for more details. HECS exemptions and Scholarships may be available.

Individual Units

Some people may find it hard to commit to full time study, but wish to upgrade their knowledge in Telecommunications. ANSPAG can now offer the opportunity to study individual "units" of the Masters by coursework. You will attend lectures with the Masters by Coursework and Minor Thesis students.

Participants are given the option of completing assignments and sitting an exam at the end of each unit and if successful they will be given a letter stating that they have passed the subject and their mark.

Any units which have been successfully completed can be used as a "credit" against the same modules, if the student wished to convert to the masters program at a later date.

Pre-requisites: None.

Contact for more details.

Subjects from the Telecommunications Stream:

Performance of Telecommunications Networks: Provides an advanced knowledge of the techniques and tools available for evaluating their performance of telecommunications networks.
Covers: Network configurations; queuing theory; teletraffic theory; performance modelling of circuit and packet switching; broadband ISDN; fast packet switching; congestion control; current research issues.

Application of High-Speed Telecommunications Networks: Provides a basic understanding of the characteristics of high-speed telecommunications networks and their application to multimedia communications and conferencing.
Covers: Characteristics of new high-speed public telecommunication networks; FASTPAC broadband data network and broadband ISDN; Network services; Multimedia developments; image and video compression standards; audio compression and optical storage; computer supported collabvoration technology; real-time conferenbcing and multi-user editors; supercomputing; applications of multimedia communications to industries suchas education, medicine, building and environmental management; effects on organsiational structure.

Software Engineering for Telecommunications: This unit will provide an introduction to modern techniques in software engineering for real-time, distributed systems. There will be an emphasis on the application of formal description techniques for engineering correct and reliable software. Examples drawn from telecommunications software will be used to illustrate the power and usefulness of these methods.
Covers: Models of the software life cycle; real-time programming and the use of CASE tools; Concurrency; problems of mutual exclusion, process synchronisation and inter-process communication; Concurrent languages; Distributed systems; OSI and ODP; Formal specification techniques; SDL, Temporal Logic and LOTOS; Implementation issues, softare validation and quality assurance; software reliability engineering.

Mobile Communication Networks and Systems: Will provide knowledge and understanding of the pruinciples of mobile radio networks and how they contrast with those for fixed telecommunciations networks and to develop an awareness of the challenges to be faced in providing high quality of service.
Covers: Land and satelitte-based mobile radio services, systems and networks; mobile cellular telephone, paging, telepoint and wireless LAN systems; characteristics of the mobile radio channel; multipath fading, shadowing and Doppler effects; switching and other protocols in support of mobility; frequency reuse and channel allocation; multiaccess methods; digital modulation for mobile communications; future developments in mobile telecommuncations and associated new design problems.

ISDN Networks and Applications: Will provide a basic understanding of the characteristics, protocols and applications of narrowband and broadband ISDN networks.
Covers: Overview of narrowband ISDN services, protocols and applications. Basic principles of Broadband ISDN & ATM, Applications of ATM networks: voice, video & data requirements, ATM service classes, ATM switching, Traffic shaping, Connection Admission Control, Traffic Policing, Traffic Shaping, Usage Parameter Control, Congestion control, Performance gaurantees, Laboratory demonstrations of both narrowband and broadband ISDN.

Advanced Network Design: Network performance modelling and analysis. Delay models (M/M/1, M/G/1), networks of queues. Multi-access systems (splitting, reservation, carrier sensing), routing techniques (shortest path, Bellman-Ford, Frank-Wolfe, adaptive routing, flooding). Flow control (window control, isarithmic, max-min). Network topology design (backbone, concentrator placement).

Protocol Engineering: High-level language protocol implementation techniques including FSM implementation. Timer management. BCC generation. Concurrency issues. Retransmission queue management. Real-time constraints. Protocol specification and rapid prototyping systems: introduction and theory; SDL; LOTOS; CHILL; Estelle. Conformance testing: approaches to, and limitations of, conformance testing; the need for and requirements of a conformance standard; the CEPT NET-2 and ISO 8882 standards.

Telecommunications Management: Australian telecommunication policies. Roles of Austel and the carriers. Corporate telecommunications strategies. Network project planning, implementation and operation. Financial planning overview: budgets, DCF techniques. Network management tools and protocols.

A brief guide to supervisors and their general field of interest:

These are the supervisors most likely to work with you on your research project. The fields of interest are designed purely to give an idea of the subject area and research projects may be in other areas, as long as they are related to those below:

Broadband Network PerformanceBill Brown
Internet & ATM Network ApplicationsBruce Tonkin
Video Compression/CodingKhee Pang
Optical FibresL.N. Binh
Ionospheric PropagationJohn Bennett
Information transmissionDon Keogh
Electromagnetic fieldsGreg Cambrell
Distributed computingGreg Egan

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