The past year has been noteworthy for the RDP as significant exploitation
of its technologies and expertise was achieved and sustained.
The RDP was involved in three commercially competitive consultancies with
the federal and state governments. These consultancies established a firm
framework for the Whole-of-Government information search architecture
that will see the introduction of more effective online government
services in the future. The consultancies also established a standard
metadata vocabulary for describing government information and services.
The RDP also successfully commercialised and sold its premier research
product into industry. The RDP's HotOIL search engine was redeveloped
over the past year to meet the needs of industry and was rewarded for
this effort.
The consultancies and technology commercialisation reaffirmed the
research of the RDP as well as provided significant input into the future
directions of the RDP. It also established RDP staff and technologies as
providing real solutions and as a centre of expertise that is frequently
sought after within the Australian marketplace.