O n - L i n e   D a t a   A r c h i v e s
Research Planned
- Development of a prototype system for information delivery and
visualisation of meteorological data.
- Integration of a bushfire simulation system with on-line data delivery
infrastructure to provide access to near real-time data sources such as
weather and satellite updates, as well as user access to the decision
support products generated for emergency services operation and planning.
- Development of a middleware system providing a standards-based
interface to querying and processing services for distributed on-line
archives of earth observation data.
- Development of a pilot demonstrator using the general middleware system
to create an application that will automatically identify fires, fire
scars and high fire risk areas based on analysis of satellite imagery.
The project is managed as a set of subprojects that each have their own
milestones. These are described in more detail in the following sections.